The Fan Corner

Cat EyesCat EyesCat Eyes

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I watched CATS on broadway when I was little. But the experience was ruined for me, because my annoying cousin kept yawning and talking and being an ignoramous. I watched CATS a second time, when we got the video. Sure, it wasn't the same, but that's as close to the real thing as I would get, since I don't live in London. As I watched it, I instantly fell in love with the character known as Jemima. She was just sooooooooo cute, and her voice sounded like that of an angel. From then on, I became obsessed with everything CATS. I watched my video over and over. I'd write stories about Jemima and her origin. I imagined I was Jemima, myself. Am I scaring you yet? Anyways, I just love CATS, and Jemima. I have already learned all of the cats' names, and their stories. I know the lyrics to, like, almost EVERY song. Next year, in the school talent show, I'll be singing "Memory". Like I said, I'm obessed. In fact, I bet that as you are reading this, I'm probably watching the video, and getting all giddy every time I see Jemima.
I've first seen CATS since 99 and I've watched the video again and again for at least 20 times.I'm a fan of it.My favourite chacter is MUNKUSTRAP.He is brave and kind.If you pay attention to the video, you'll find that the shape of his mouth is very intersting.Also,he can move his mouth rapidly(as you can see in the song'The Pekes And The Pollicle'. I admire Mr. Andrew Lloyd Webber as he has written a such attractive musical.I hope CATS will be played in Hong Kong again soon with the original cast in the video.


I became interested in CATS when I was very young. When I was about three, I saw a commercial for the tour coming to an area near our town. Ever since, I had harbored a keen interest in the musical, but sadly, didn't know much about it. Then my buddy started to tell me about it. The interest grew. Then, to my great and utter joy, the video came out. I was offically hooked. I saw the show all three days it came on tour, and I watched the video so much, I needed a second copy because the first copy wore out. Computer printouts of CATS litter my walls, especially Mistoffelees, my favorite character. And most of my artwork consists of CATS.

I first found out about CATS when my sister went to see the 4th national tour. I knew I would be taken to see it when I was fourteen as well (that was seven years ago). I basically forgot about it until the CATS video came out. I was twelve at that time. I became a fanatic and now I am begging my mom to let my see the show on Broadway before it closes. I will be dressing as Bombalurina this Halloween. Also I am taking dance classes and will probably with my studio put on a production of CATS. I have watched the video so much I know the moves.
When I was younger(I'm 13 now), my mom went to see Cats live at a city near us. Later, she said that I would probably like it since I like cats in general. When we took a trip to NY, I saw The Phantom of the Opera intead. We bought the movie only because we wanted to try out our new DVD rom. The first time I watched it, I was pretty bored. I loved the dancing since I'm a dancer myself(9 years), but that was about it. I had heard the songs Memory, Gus: The Theatre Cat, and Mr. Mistoffolees, before, but that was it. Then I watched the movie again and again, becoming more interested each time, until I fell in love. I want to be in Cats when I grow up, and I have the dancing and singing skill for it too!(not to sound conceited) My favorite character is Bombalurina and my favorite song is Macavity: The Mystery Cat.
I've loved CATS from when I was younger and my mom had the movie I watched it every day for weeks I have been going to the show every year!!!
I love Cats. I went and saw it with three of my friends in Nashville in 2001. It was great. I went out and bought the movie and cd. The songs help me relax. My favorite characters are Rum Tum Tugger (of course), Mr. Mistofellees, and Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer. I loved the dances and all the songs. I never got bored.


I became a "Cats" addict by accident. I was forced to sing "Memory" in a Broadway tribute show with the performance group I belong to because it was the only song on my tape I could sing and sing well. I decided I was gonna go all out and get into character gor my song, so I taped "Cats" on PBS, a public access channel on my area. I had seen bits and pieces of it on the station before, so I knew Grizabella sang the song, but I didn't really know the concept of her character, or why the song was such a beautiful nd meaningful song. After watching the entire show, not only did I fall in love with "Memory" and the sadness behind Grizabella's character, but with the musical itself. My dad just bought me the video version for Christmas, and I'm scared I'm gonna wear the tape out, I watch it so much!

I love the musical Cats. I saw it on TV a few months ago, and I bought the CD, as well as taping it. This last Saturday I saw it live, and it was incredible! The actors were wonderful. My favorite character was the Rum Tum Tugger. I also like Mungojerry and Rumpleteazer. I'd love to talk to other people who love that play as much as I do.
I love Cats. I saw it live in MN a couple weeks ago. I own the movie version. I have brown hair and brown eyes. I have glasses and braces. And believe me you don't want braces no matter what. I am 15 years of age and I love school. That is all I can think of right at the moment. If you want to get to know me better e-mail me. Thanks for your time.

I've been a fan of Cats since I first saw it on the local PBS station in '98. I fell automatically in love with it and was very happy when I got it for Christmas that year. My favorite characters are Mistoffelees, Jemima, and Gus. I really wish the tours would get back over here so that I could experiance the magic live. Ahh, the magic of the theatre. ::sigh:: Anyway, I'm a proud Arian on the western zodiac (I like to know the signs of people I meet, so I figure why not let others know too?) and in Asian culture I'm a rabbit. Among Cats as an obsession there is Queen (the band), reading fantasy, and theatre. Gotta love seeing live shows, they're the best. I hope someday to turn this obsession into an actual career. This meeting people over the internet thing seems to work ok for me, so drop me an emeow and we'll talk. Buh bye now.

I'm 12 and a BIG Cats fan. I officially now know the who dance to the 1st song. God I love it. My afve cat is Rumpleteazer as she is really cool. Cannibal! The Musical is still me fave musical, but Cats comes a close second. Any Cannibal! or Cats fans just click on my name. Go on, you know you want to!

i am cats fanatis i live and New york city and never was really interested in Cats before but when i saw it on PBS and got hooked i have seen it on broadway with Jacob brent and Michael Gruber i have the movie and the cd . Cats is truley now and forever

I became a Cats' fan because my cousin performed Tantomile at her school and showed me the real Cats' Video. I liked it and now I'm another fan.


I have been a fan for years. My parents bought the music and I would listen to it over and over. We got the video for Christmas, and after watching it once, I was totally obsessed. I watch it at LEAST once a day now. I also just recently went to see it in the theater and it was AWESOME!!!
I fell in love with "CATS" at school. Our music teacher was showing it to us. I got the movie for Christmas. I saw it at the Taft Theater in Cincinnati Ohio. This musical is like a part of me! My favorites are Rumpleteazer, Mungojerrie, Jellylorum, Mistoffelees, Munkustrap, Rum Tum Tugger, Jennyanydots, Skimbleshanks,Bombalurina, and Demeter! CATS Rocks today, tomorrow, and forever!!!!


I'm nearer 15 than most of my friends are, and I'm the same Cathryn that Emma mentions further down this page, but I prefer to be called Bomby! I am not an insane pollicle, that's Demy, anyway I'm a major MAJOR Cats fan, and I really love John Partridge too! I've never been able to stop singing Cats since I saw the show (about 4/5 years ago!) Demy and I continually try to convince our friends that we are Jellicle cats, but they never believe us! I'm desperate to add more Cats fans to my email list, and also to my website visitors list! Please emeow soon, and visit the site!
I first learned about CATS when I bought the video for my mom for christmas this year.(sadly I promptly took control of it:-) but anyway I have watched about 30 to 40 times and can point out the little mistakes that they make throughout the movie like the horrible editing. And if anybody knows if there will be a production in the Reno, Nevada area can you let me know so I can go see it.
I love Cats!! My friend invited me over one day, and her parents had just rented it for her sick brother. We decide to watch it, and we instantly fell in love with it!! I've seen it so much, I know almost everything by heart! If anyone knows where I can get good images of the actors in and out of costume, please e-mail me. Cats rules, Now and Forever!!!
Chelsea B.

I got the movie CATS for my 13th birthday, because I'm a dancer and ' an actress. I didn't like it as much at first. I forgot about it for 2 years, then I decided to watch it one day, and I LOVE it SOOOO much! I became completely obsessed with it now, and I watch it all the time. The dancing is so great and I'm amazed at the fact that all of them move so much real cats, especially the poise in Munkustrap's stand. My favorite cats are Alonzo, Pouncival, Tumblebrutus, and Plato. I think they're cute cats. And Jacob Brent makes a perfect Mr. Mistoffelees. I hope to see CATS on stage. I also want to perform it one day, that's my dream, but I lack the singing voice! Bummer...:-) Oh well...
I've seen the London production several times with several casts. I've seen the Broadway-road-company a couple times, too. I prefer the London cast that was used in the video. And I've even met some of the cast.
I am 15 and I live in Essex, in England. I first became a fan of the musical Cats when the video of it came on TV. Ever since then I was desperate to see it for real. I went to see it last March and it was one of the most magical days of my life. I am very sad that Cats is being taken off the West End as one day I would like to be in Cats. I would most like to play Jemima, or mabe Victoria, as they are some of my favourite characters. I also like Rum Tum Tugger. I love dancing and I do tap, modern and ballet dancing. I also do singing and acting and play my guitar.
my name is Christina I became a huge fan when I rented the movie ,I fell in love with misto.he's my over all favorite.later on I got to see it on stage ,but was disappointed when I found out Jacob Brent only played on Broadway .I still had an enjoyable time.I cot a wonderful shirt! I never took that shirt off .it was my favorite. later on my mom told me she would take me to see it on Broadway for my 16th birthday.all I ever wanted to do was watch my movie cats,but my friends hated it,even my best friend cassie who loves cats! one horrible Sunday my mom announced that June 25th would be the last performance of cats!I was so sad!!! so I still watch it today and will always be a faithful fan!I love cats. and I hope Jacobs career goes wonderfully...!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm 15 and I really love Cats (the musical) and cats (the animal). The only place I have seen Cats is at the National Theater in Washington, D.C. because I live in Maryland. I am dying to see it on Broadway before Jacob Brent leaves! He is such a good Mistoffelees!!! I really want to get in touch with some other Jellicles, so Email me!
im 25 yers old im a cats fan :) grizabella is my favret cat and so is oldd im glad to meet you please caleme littelgriz i have a cat his name is mikey hhes like rtt hes sweet and he loves the cats two


I liked cats since I saw it on Hey Mr Producer my favourite character is Etcetera and I think that John Partridge and Karl Morgan are gorgeous.
I am also a major Cats fan and I think I always will be. I first heard of it when my mum told me about when she saw it with my brother Luke. (I'm only 12 by the way, and my mum and my brother saw it when I was only a baby). I first actually heard the music during a ballet lesson because we were planning to do Cats for Choreography Night. I loved the music as soon as I heard it. For the next few months I couldn't stop thinking about it. I now have the video and the CD and I'm even going to be the white cat for Halloween with a few friends. My favourite cats are Victoria and Jemima. Whenever I come to this website I go to the chatroom but nobody chats there. If you are a Cats fan please go to this chatline so I can have someone to chat to.
I am 15 years old. I was first introduced to Cats at a young age. My mom listened to it and kept telling me how much I would like it (little id she know what she was creating). I didn't really become infatuated with it until a friend of mine went to a summer camp where you could take courses. She took ballet and they danced to Jellicle Songs For Jellicle Cats. The instant I heard the music, I was in love with it. From there on I began becoming more and more obssessed. I found out my parents had tickets to the show(and damn good ones at that, I'm talking orchestra almost!) when I was about two but they didn't bring me! Call me over-dramatic but I still don't think I have fully recovered. It's hard being a fan when in my school there are only a few others, but I get through fine becuase my non-fan friends can live with my insanity and like me even more because of it. I don't think I can fully explain why I love it, I believe there is just a passion inside of me that burns for it and it will never go out. Feline, fearless, faithful and true!
I am 25 and live in Russia. The first Cats thing I ever got was the soundtrack, and I found it to be a lot better than other broadway musicals I heard before then. In fact, I got it memorized, without ever noticing how. Then they made a video version and I got hooked. In the august 2000 I managed to actually go to USA and see the show, 3 weeks before closing. That was completely entrancing. Oh, and my favorite character is Rumpleteazer :)

Cat EyesCat EyesCat Eyes