They interviewed Andrew Lloyd Webber (thanks, CHRBroadway!).
Every time it would shoot a view over NY, you could ALWAYS see a
Cats billboard somewhere (thanks, Kat Purr!).
At the end when the agents want him [character played by Bill Murray]
to sign a contract as an actor, he suggests they do Cats but
then says, "No, let's do Dogs" or something like that (thanks,
I was watching The Match Game on TV today and the question was: "The
actor was so dedicated to his work, before he auditioned for CATS, he
got fixed." Thanks, Notorious Cat!
They were advertising the reshowing of the MTV Video Awards. It went
something like this (not sure the exact wording except for the
Cats part): "We know we already showed it, but we decided that
if Cats can run forever, then we can show it again!" Thanks, Nebula!
Sometimes when MTV is showing their sponsors before they show the
commericals, night-time traffic is shown with a lit Cats
billboard in the background.
Jason Alexander from Seinfeld was the guest. He and a muppet
put up a musical called Bats. The Cats eyes was made green,
looking more like bat-eyes. Jason sang a song with the "Memory"
music among other songs (thanks,
This show is on PBS. It was an Inspector Morse mystery.
Unfortunately, I don't know which episode, but it was in the show
about Morse, also. Morse and Lewis were driving, and there was a song
from some opera on. Lewis said he thought it was Cats, and that his
wife liked Cats.
__________Lewis: I don't know why, she's allergic to them.
__________Morse: Would you shut up about bloody Cats?!
__________Thanks, Kalliroscope!
The episode where the movie they're showing is Cave Dwellers. One of
the first shots of the movie is of the cave dwellers. There's a
closeup of one of the females, who's just tearing into a piece of
meat. Tom Servo says,"Hey, it's the cast party for Cats.
It's Betty Buckley and she's eating Dick van Patton!" Thanks,
The movie was "Werewolf," and at the very end, they show a lady
walking into the werewolf's room. The pair hugs, and Tom Servo says,
"Okay, movie, we know, she's a werewolf too!" But then she turns
around, and her hair is sticking out like one of the yak-hair wigs,
and Crow T. Robot says, "No! We were wrong! She just joined the
cast of Cats!" Thanks, Jemima Mistoffelees!
Mr. Shelfield is a producer and always talks about being glad that
he didn't make a Broadway production with "a bunch of people running
around dressed up as cats and singing!" Thanks, Cassandra The
Scariest Cat!
Fran and Maxwell are talking about how some cat must have eaten a
bird's egg that had disappeared (actually, Fran dropped it). And
Fran says, "I thought you hated cats!" Maxwell says, "That's
only the musical Cats." Thanks, Teazer!
Fran and a friend were sitting in Fran's bedroom, and a Cats
poster was hanging on the wall over the dresser. All you could see,
though was a white fuzzy foot and the Cats logo in the corner
(thanks, Ozzie!).
Mr. Shefield is nominated for five Tonys and he says "Where's Niles?
He was supposed to tell the children." Then Niles comes down and
says, "They won't come down until they find out how many Andrew Lloyd Webber is nominated for." Thanks, Mistoteazer!
I don't know how accurate this is because I didn't see it for myself,
but my friend Whitney told me about this. Ned's best friend (played
by the guy who plays Richard Fish on Ally McBeal now) is a huge Cats
fan, and they mention it all the time. This show was canceled a few
years ago but it still can be seen on Lifetime every day in
the morning, I think (thanks, Andrea!).
Ken Page [Old Deutoronemy] does the voice of Oggie Boogie (the bad '
guy). It's really cool (thanks, CHRBroadway!).
There is a Cats poster hanging in their hall. It can only be
seen from certain camera angles, but its there (thanks, Sara!).
It's a play within a play show. During the second act, when you are
back behind the scene, they have a Cats poster on the wall
(thanks, Cynesra!).
During the opening credits when they are showing the different shots
of New York, they briefly show the Wintergarden Theatre. It is in the
credits of this past season (thanks, Whimsey!).
Maggie said, "I wanna go see The Cats!" Jack replied,
"It's Cats not The Cats." Thanks, Lone!
On a program called Opera in the Outback, on the Bravo! channel,
some big orchestra played various songs. One of them was "The
Jellicle Ball" (thanks, Fleetpaw!)!
These four guys were walking around some city (I think it was NYC).
Well, they were walking around in Cats shirts. They started
talking about the theater, and I'm guessing they saw Cats
(thanks, GermnMisto!).
Goldie Hawn and Steve Martin run into this guy who asks if he can
borrow money for a cab to get to the theater. They think he is Andrew
Lloyd Webber (which he obviously isn't) and start talking about how
they love his shows. They mention how they had gone to see Cats and how sad it was because their cat had just died
(thanks, CHRBroadway!).
Susan Jane Tanner [Jellylorum] was in the recent British film as a
stern probation officer (thanks, Kate!).
They did a segment called "Farewell to Cats" by Elizabeth Farnsworth
(thanks, Darkmage!).
In the "Now and Forever Reprise", three male penguins came up behind
three female penguins, and they do a move that is JUST like a move
from "The Jellicle Ball"! The males scoop up the females just like
Tugger does with Bomba when all the queens and toms are dancing
together (thanks, Teazer Kitten!).
This ws on a Welsh speaking channel, and there was a Welsh soap opera
on called "Pobol Y Cwm" (literally translated to "People of the
Community"), and not only did someone have a Cats poster on
their wall, someone ELSE was wearing a Cats T-shirt (thanks,
Pepper Ann is talking to her grandmother about the Grandma's past.
The grandmother mentions a musical she performed in that got rave
reviews. A flashback of it is shown. After that, the grandmother
replies, "Yeah. The play went on for years! That is, until people
started going to New York to see that kitty litter play . . ."
(thanks, Evaearlong!).
She was auditioning for her school musical and the director was
wearing a shirt with the musical RATS on it. I know this is an actual
musical so I don't know if it was to make fun of CATS or if it was
really supposed to be RATS (thanks, CHRBroadway!).
They did a segment called "Trivial Purrsuit" and the question
was, "What is the longest running musical on Broadway?" Before they
went to a commercial break, the host said something on the lines
of, "This should be fresh in your 'Memory'!" They showed a clip
of "Mr. Mistoffelees" (at West End, I'm not sure, it was really fuzzy
and far away from the stage, but the only person I could see was '
Jacob Brent!). Thanks, Zoe!
Brain was trying to take over the world by writing a musical in the
style of Andrew Lloyd Webber (only they used a slightly different
name!). With Pinky's help, they came up with an obvious parody of
Cats: "MICE". The logo was the word "MICE" scrawled across a
black background with Pinky's ridiculous blue eyes on it. The songs
were parodies of Cats songs, the most obvious being the one on
"Memory," where there was this old, decrepid looking mouse singing a
melody similar to "Memory." There were plenty of people in doofy
white mouse suits, too (thanks, Coricopat!)
The host says at the beginning, "The funniest animal show since the
musical Cats." Thanks, Kari!
On the VH1 show Pop Up Video, they were showing a video called "Bad
Boys" by The Miami Sound Machine. There were people dressed as cats,
almost like in the Broadway show, and it kept popping up diffrent
facts about the Broadway show, about when it started, etc. As it
turns out, no one involved in the making of the video had even seen
Cats. Amazing (thanks, Sam!)!
I saw this on VH1, and this guy was describing this musical called
Roadies: the Musical. He said, "It's just like Cats
but instead of the kitties, they got the fat guys."
Levar Burton (spelling?) goes backstage on a production of Cats
and sees them putting on make up, etc. I recently found out that it
will be playing again on Reading Rainbow on PBS sometime next year.
Go to the Reading Rainbow website for the exact date (thanks,
The main lady and the vampire are driving down the street at night in
a convertible and pass a big billboard for Cats (thanks,
They were having cheerleader auditions and two dancers were
auditioning. The lady in charge said, "I've heard you're in
Cats." They replied, "Oh no, we're dancers in a club called
Pussy Cats." Thanks, Fleckenfell!
One fact was, "Cats uses over 5,000 gallons of makeup remover
each year." Thanks, Kari!
It was National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and she was
celebrating on her show. She made up a song about breast cancer to
the tune of "Memory." Thanks, Victoria (a.k.a. Steph)!
Before she showed Drew Carry her "Rosie and Drew in the Animal
Kingdom Barbies," Rosie and Drew mentioned some things about
Cats and the Rum Tum Tugger except Drew called him the Rum Tum
Tigger (thanks, Cat!).
On September 8, 2000, one of the guests was Marlene Danielle
[Bombalurina/Demeter] from the Broadway show. She was in full
outfit, and she sang a little bit of "Macavity: the Mystery Cat".
Also on Ebay, her costume was
auctioned off on eBay, autographed by Marlene herself (thanks, Jason!).