Okay, seems the Mistofelees has several topics that everyone is debating on. I think I will just give my two cents on each area: Age: I, too, see him being between an adult and a kitten. Shy?: I don't think Misto is shy. I think he is just quiet. He only talks if he has something to say, and I feel that when he does talk the other cats listen. He's comfortable in the spotlight but doesn't demand it. He moves and acts in a quiet manner, but still manages to stand out from the crowd. Intellect: Misto is one smart kitty. I think he knows this, too. He seems very sure of himself to me, very confident. He gives me the feeling that he has a secret, but he's not telling. :) I always thought of Misto as the second in charge after Munkustrap. He is intelligent enough to be a good leader, and he was the one that called all the cats to come out.. :) Relationship with Other Cats: Mistofelees associates himself as being an adult, as he always seems to be with them. However, Misto is kitten enough to still like playing with the kittens. I think that Munkustrap and Tugger are his closest friends. Misto seemed to hang out with Munk alot throughout the ball, and he seems to have a love/hate relationship with Tugger. I think Misto was only picking on Tugger during Tugger's song. I mean, how could he possibly resist popping Tugger's egotistical bubble? :) I don't think Tugger really minded that. He seemed to actually expect something like that from his friend, Misto. :) As for love relationships, I too can see Misto with Vicy, but I particularly like the Cassandra pairing. (It's a RP preference.) I'm skepticle about the idea of Grizzabella being related to Misto. I mean, if she was really his grandmother or something, would he really reject her like the other cats did? I would hope not.. I'm not quite sure about Misto's relationship to Bostipher Jones, either. There seems to be some connection, for as my friend, Ran, pointed out Misto seems VERY attentive during that song. I can see Bustopher as an uncle, before a father, or maybe even a teacher of some sorts. Misto seemed to be nodding throughout Bustopher's solos, as if he, too, knows what the older cat is talking about. As for Old Deuteronomym, I think he has the same relationship with the old cat as all of the other cats had with him. They love him, and look up to him... so of course Misto was happy to see him returned (and VERY happy that he helped *G*) (Well, maybe Misto was also happy that he didn't accidently turn Old Deuteronomy into a gerbil or something, too *G*) Magic: Misto looks like he loves his magic and is having fun playing with it. I doubt he gets the chance to do so all that often, which might make him feel a bit unsure of himself, but he loves trying. :) And finally: I agree with everyone that has Misto as their favorite Cat, and yes, he definitely IS a cutie. ^_^ - Jewel