my dance teacher on my music theatre course is Lee Proud. he was in Cats for a few years on the Westend and also in Germany, Japan and somewhere else. he was dance team leader and played Scrimbleshanks and another that has escaped me for the moment. we were all in shock by having such a wonderfully experienced teacher - he was in starlight express for 3 years as the lead too - then we discovered as part of the first month of the course we were to learn the dance from the jellicle ball! how fantastic is that!?! we've been getting worked so hard - its fantastic - ive never sweated and enjoyed myself so much! we now have the jellicle ball, the opening dance the white cat does, old deuteronomy and the finale perfected and it feels soooo good! thank god for lee proud! i can really see myself worshipping him! so next week we're gonna film what we've done then start a jazz tap dance from Copa Cabana. oh yeah, and on wednesday he dropped into the conversation that if we were ever goin to the westend to see it, just let him know coz a lot of his friends are still in the cast so he can get us back stage! how lucky are we!!! just thought you'd like to know! a very lucky girl, Marie