Rumpleteaser, ther female half of the duo in victoria grove. Together with her mate Mungojerie she causes chaose. Okay now don't take this the wrong way but i do think that they once did or still do work for Macavity. eh,hem.I quote "And they say that of all the cats whose wicked deeds are widly known(I might mention Mungojerrie ,Rumpelteaser,Grindalbone) are nothing more than agents for the cat who of all time just just controls the operation the napolion of crime!" I think that her and her mate are just out of kitten hood and are juat extremly immature for there age sincerly, Rebecca p.s Jo Gibb,Drew Valary. you guys are my faveorite!! p.p.s Mungojerrie and Rumpelteaser are my faveorite charicters(next to misto)