I think Rumpelteazer has just come out of her kitten years. She is very cheeky and upfront and seems not to fear much, like a hard nut maybe. I do think that Mungojerrie is her brother, not her mate, by the identical markings. Maybe they came out of the same litter as they are almost always together. Other members of their family, I think, include Asparagus, Bombalurina, Demeter, Jemima and Electra because she and Mungojerrie all share the same markings. She is one of my favourite characters, for her attitude catches me. Although hse is a teen, she stays loyal to her kitten friends such as Etcetera and Victoria. I think as she gets older, she would make a fine queen and mature out of the cheeky stage. Although I wouldn't want her to lose her complete cheekiness; after all, that's what makes Rumpelteazer! - Kate