Mungojerrie is an extremely goofy Tom that never quite understands what's going on around him. He always has to ask Munkustrap what he's supposed to be doing although some things come naturally to him. He doesn't understand the fear the Pollicles show towards the Rumpus Cat and thinks he's just a Tom that likes showing off. Like him, but he doesn't admit it. He loves showing Teazer, his sister, that he knows what he's doing when they are hard at what they do best but Teazer knows she's the mastermind behind everything. Mungojerrie is just the brawn, but an awfully cute one though. His manner and way of behaving make him to adorable for the bubbly queen to be annoyed with for long and Teazer soon forgives him. She always blames it on his smile and habit of sticking his tongue out when he's thinking but it's more because she loves him. None of the other Jellicles can stay mad at him for long either and he's the Jellicles clown, making them smile when a lot of the time they're feeling to low to do so. Like Rumpleteazer he still has his kittenish qualities but now he is larger and has more strength he can do more than before, especially his acrobatics. One of the few things he actually knows a lot about acrobatics is one of the things he likes to show off, as well as his ability to act. He can pretend to be sad or happy, mad or glad. So much so that some never actually know exactly what it is he is really feeling from day to day. However being a Jellicle he sees things that 'most' humans cannot, including the meaning of happiness. He actually looks like he knows more than he lets on when these bouts of seriousness come on but the other Jellicles just shake their heads and put it down to mere whimsy. Not entirely so... Munkus is always raising the question, to which most reply that its Teazer, how he knows so much about the little he does know and can steal with his eyes closed if he wanted too? The answer... They are scared too know that the one Tom they can blame mistakes on knows more than he lets on but hides behind the wall he built up around himself. Like Teazer if Mungojerrie was to be given a zodiac sign he would be a Gemini, possessing the qualities of one. Including the habit of knowing a lot about a little, which he prides himself on saying that everything else isn't worth knowing if it doesn't interest him. A definite Gemini trait. When it involves something he knows a lot about however he has an insatiable hunger to know as much as possible and more. One strange habit though is his changing opinions also changes what he's interested in so tucked away in the back of his mind is probably a whole horde of information that he'd forgotten about, which explains why he's so eloquent and loves talking. He is like his sister in the fact he is very emotional but he's so afraid of showing them that he's built an invisible wall around himself so that know one sees him like it. He might feel secure but that is what makes him so vulnerable against Macavity, who uses all the Tabby Tom's pent up emotions to his own advantage. The fact it occasionally bubbles over in a raw display of emotions also works to the 'Napoleon of Crimes' advantage because when Jerrie is like that he's not entirely too sane and will do whatever Macavity tells him too. This is one theory as too why Macavity has such a stranglehold on Jerrie, the other is that Macavity threatens the Tabby Tom with Rumpleteazer's life. Either he works or Teazer dies. Seeya, Amphitrite