Well, my idea of Mungojerrie is that well, I have a story I'll summerize. Mungojerrie's mother was a prostitute, died while giving birth to her five kittens. Macavity's mate stole them and when Macavity found out they had jellicle blood in them, in a rage he killed his mate and one of the kittens. Mungojerrie and the litter grew up thinking Macavity was their father and learned how to create treachory. Mungojerrie's not evil like his "father" though. He has a definate soft spot. Him and Teazer meet because Jerrie saves her from a pack of wild dogs after the dogs had killed her parents. After a while Rumpleteazer became part of Macavity's clan. At first Jerrie and Teazer were just little kittinish friends, but as they got older and the hormones started kickin' in. They started havin' feelings for eachother. So, I kinda think that Mungojerrie likes the bad-boy image, but is a real sweet, romantic cat in real life. I mean, You can kinda see in the video that Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer get very...um...close. (Hint. Hint. The mating dance?) Anyway, I also think Drew Varly is a GREAT LOOKING GUY. - Mieve