Mr.M.... He is friend of Munku and RTT. The triad is very famous in London, cat tribes... I think he is upper than the other cat because, look at his coat. He has just two color... which means, he is not mixed, like Dem, Bom, Jenny... etc.(I think Munku's parents are.... white and black, pretty upper.... but their son, Munku is not pretty upper.... I'm so sorry...) His parents are very strict black cats, and Mr.M ran away from them. Because he wanted to do magic. His parents dislike magic. Bustopher is his uncle and Mr.M doesn't respect him. Not like scene of Bustopher. Mr.M just wants to show him as ordinary but gentle. If there is any mistake, he has to go back parents and...... I can't explain it.^^ He is also friend of Vicky... Vicky shows 'innocense of moonlit'(look at third scene, the dance of Vicky. She is character of moon. Mr.M is also character of moon but not that style like Vicky.), so Mr.M felt charm from that. He doesn't have girl friend. But I think he loves moon so much. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!(But his friend, Munku and Rum like to make relationship with other female cat.) Mr.M knows truth anytime, through see moon and talk with moon... and find all truth because the moon is watching everything over night. He is very intelligent and knows many things. He is very childish and looks so young. Little cute cat.... BUT! I think he is 20 years old, younger than Munku or Rum.(I think Munku is 22, and Rum is 21 years old.) And he has no experience of cat's social relationship, but anyhow he knows cat's social. Mr.M is only one of CATS. He is rare cat. - Brad