My description of Mistoffelees is as follows: I think he is the most awesome of the guy cats and I agree with CaLikO when I say Jacob Brent portrays him the best. I think he is kind of shy and very friendly (how could he NOT be? It's in the song), but secretly adores the spotlight. I don't think he wants to be in it all the time though-- during his song on the movie he tries to stop Tugger from singing about him, when Rum's singing: "And not long ago this phenomenal cat..."My opinion is he is great buddies with Old Deuteronomy because in the movie they are constantly together, and it is Mistoffelees who brings him back to the junkyard. I don't know if the Rum Tum Tugger is his best friend but I am sure they have a secret understanding during his song because Rum sings it. I also believe he is a popular favorite among all the Jellicles because he is magical and returned Old Deuteronomy back to them-- safe and sound. I think of all the girl cats he likes Victoria the best. They are dancing together during the Jellicle Ball-- when Mistoffelees sings. All in all, he is my second favorite cat-- (Rumpelteazer is the best even though I know this is practically a Misto worshipers site-- no offence) and I love this website! Thanx Jellyorum! - Rumpelteazer